Performance Observation Student Information Tracking

POSIT enables teachers to seamlessly capture academic and behavioral observations along with supporting evidence, analyze those observations against pertinent standards to determine student progress, and leverage that information to make data-driven instructional decisions to address student gaps and needs.

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  • POSIT is a tool for instructors to input data and use real-time feedback for course corrections
  • Students and families know exactly what the student has learned, have evidence of student learning, and know what they still need to learn
  • Administrators have a "window" into behavior and academics within physical and virtual classrooms



Data entry allows for a clear picture in which to discover

  • Types of behavior
  • Patterns of behavior

time of day, day of the week, seasonal occurrences


Any grade level, any subject, any standard

  • Competency based
  • Easily see progress


  • Clearly shows progress on set goals
  • Allows teachers to quickly identify gaps and tailor curriculum and instruction for both individuals or groups of students with the same learning gaps
  • Students see POSIT in action as teachers record observations of their progress
  • Motivates students by providing a visualization of their academic growth
  • Builds a fully accessible, in-depth student profile over time by containing behavioral and academic observations and supporting evidence


  • Integrates into a teacher’s daily workflow
  • Integral component of the teacher’s interactions with his/her students
  • ​Insight and evidence of gaps and educational needs allows for quick creation of Individual Learning Plans
  • ​Easy access to useful information and metrics for teachers and administrators using our advanced reporting and analytics
  • ​Reduces the need for paper, complex filing systems, and other manual tasks to track information


Empowers teachers to use data and evidence for competency-based grading and grouping

Educational Continuity

Data collected for each student allows for efficient transitions

  • Class to class
  • School year to school year
  • Brick-and-mortar to virtual
  • School system to school system

Everything You Need!

  • Intuitive interface allows you to quickly make academic and behavioral observations for each of your students
  • Support academic and behavioral observations with attached evidence (e.g., documents, images, files)
  • Track your students' progress against academic standards
  • ​Discover gaps and create assignments to address them
  • Quickly ascertain your class's progress against key standards via our intuitive Classroom Dashboard
  • School and System-wide management of students and staff
  • ​Ability to subscribe to additional advanced functionality like Advanced Reporting & Analytics
  • Drive RTI compliance with standard and skill-based performance tracking and analytics

Privacy & Security

  • POSIT was created from the ground up with privacy and security in mind. The infrastructure, technology, and data storage systems are FedRAMP, ISO, and FERPA compliant.
  • We designed POSIT to facilitate more accurate and more timely capture of data in the classroom.
  • Our technology allows us to scale POSIT for any number of users, provide the highest levels of security and encryption, and use rapidly evolving technology to increase capability over time.
  • Mobile first design using HTML5 and other tools for responsive UI
  • Enterprise-grade database technology using Amazon RDS
  • Scalable cloud computing using Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
  • Secure, intelligent storage using Amazon S3
  • ​Advanced Identity Management using Amazon Cognito
  • Robust analytics, reporting, and business intelligence using Amazon Quicksight
  • ​Backup and disaster recovery
  • ​Encryption in transit and at rest

Detailed Features

Number of Students Unlimited
Number of Instructors Unlimited
Create an Unlimited Number of Groups per Instructor
Create an Unlimited Number of Assignments per Instructor
View Progress Against Key Standards
Manage Standards per Group
Create Academic Observations
Create Behavioral Observations
Store Evidence for Observations

Reporting & Analytics

Behavior Reporting
Standards Based Reporting
Skills Based Reporting
Advanced Analytics
Privacy Policy
Terms of Use
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